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25 Reason why Tiens green Tea   |   Capsules with Zinc Tiens   |   Polien (Omega 3) with Sea buckthorn oil and vitamin E   |   Chitosan capsules "Tianshi"   |   Calcium "Tianshi"   |   Chewing calcium tiens (strawberry flavor)   |   Tiens capsules with mycelium of Cordyceps   |   Spirulina capsules "Tianshi"   |   Capsules with rosveratrolom tiens ("Holikan")   |   Date syrup in vials "Tianshi"   |   Healing capsule "Tianshi" ("Icahn")   |   Tiens powder with high content of calcium   |   Powder with calcium tiens for children   |   Capsules with Selenium tiens   |   Fruktozanov syrup "Tianshi"   |   Super Capsule Seren "Tiens"   |   Vitamins for eye tiens   |   Tablets with vitamins of b group tiens
Capsules with Zinc Tiens
Main Benefits:
Zinc is an essential trace mineral and co-factor to over 200 enzymes in your body. It is this support role to many enzymes, that gives Zinc a wide range of functions including growth and development, white blood cell development in the immune system, assisting digestive enzymes for normal digestion, essential fatty acid metabolism, normal clotting of blood. Thyroid hormone function, insulin function and reproductive health.
Who Zinc Cream Supplement is suitable for?

Adults and children who have impaired sense of taste and smell
Adults who are consuming excessive amounts of coffee, tannins found in tea, high fiber or vegetarian diets or alcohol
Adults who are suffering stress disorders
Adults with poor immune or reproductive health
Men who want to maintain a healthy prostate and healthy sexual function
Adults with a family history of age-realated.

contribute to mental development and healthy growth of children; improve vision; reinforce reproductive function; contribute to the improvement of taste buds; slow down the development of Alzheimer's disease; beneficial effects on other body functions. Ingredients: dextrose, egg white powder, zinc lactate, talc, magnesium stearate. Indications for use: the period of growth and development of children and adolescents; pregnancy and lactation; recovery from illness or injury; poor health; low immunity; vegetarianism; wasting; gastro-intestinal diseases. Contraindications: individual intolerance components. Before use, it is advisable to consult a physician. Directions for use: children from 3 to 10 years 2 times 2 capsules a day, over 10 years-4 capsules, washed down with warm water. Duration: 1 month. Package: 0.27 g x 60 capsules.